Right outside our door, across Mott Street, there is an eagles nest. We look right up at it, and from the roof, almost into it. In 2011, they had three babies.
American Bald Eagles
Takeout Sushi.
Free home delivery
The parents
June 2011: These "chicks" are two feet tall, and in each other's way all day long.
American Blad Eagles. Photo by Ron Day
American Bald Eagle. Photo by Ron Day
The little house on Mott Street
The little house on Mott Street
July 2011: We spent the fourth of July walking with a baby eagle that fell out of the nest.  For four hours we followed as she stumbled along, dehydrated, hungry and exhausted, even hung around for 45 minutes while she took a nap on a grassy knoll.  But we couldn't let her out of our sight or we'd never find her again. Just like any baby.  Unable to fly, she walked over a mile, and she had never even walked before.  Finally, someone showed up from the Raptor Center - and basically scared her into flying for the first time. She's now back, but in her own tree up the street, flying back to the nest for the free meals. Every kid wants her own room.
Walking with Eagles
...and then there were two...
More shots of the parents on the Frame page.
Clumsy arrival at the nest
Takeoff from tree across from nest
Taunting siblings from tree across from nest
8th of July 2011: Return of the prodigal daughter:
After the Storm
It rained all night, and when the gummy fog finally lifted in the morning, the baby chicks were relieved to able to just stand there facing the sun and spread their wings to dry out. They did this for over an hour until one of the parents showed up with takeout breakfast. Then it was back to screaming eagles.
Middle chick chillin' on the bridge

Male leaving screaming brood.